As The Empire Strikes Back begins, Luke is patroling the
Hoth plains on his taun-taun. This uses the same torso as LEGO's Hoth
Rebel Soldier, but I gave him a white legs, arms, and hands. He
also retains the same helmet as the aforementioned official mini-fig,
as it represents the rebels' Hoth hats better.
While patroling the Hoth plainsin The Empire Strikes Back,
Luke is attacked by a wampa. After being returned to Echo Base alive
(though barely) He is submerged in a Bacta tank. It's basically
a naked Luke wearing some white speedos to keep it PG. I used this
in my custom Bacta Tank from back in 1999, which met an untimely
end before I got a digital camera.
Luke wore this outfit twice in The Empire Strikes Back,
the first time after he was attacked by the wampa and completing
his Bact healing, the second time after getting his hand lopped
off on Cloud City. The torso is that of the official Tatooine Luke
without the belt, and tan pants.
When, in The Empire Strikes Back, Luke forsees Han
Solo and Leia
Organa in grave danger, he leaves his Jedi training with Yoda
in search of his friends. He uses the body Rebel Ground Crew guy
with Luke's head and hair on it. A lot of people have done this,
mainly because of it's simplicity. I'm not sure when other people
got their ideas, but my inspiration came the moment I saw the torso
of the aforementioned figure in the X-Wing, back in March of 1999.
This is Luke's getup from after the scuffle with Jabba the Hutt
in Return of the Jedi. He's got the glove from his blaster
wound and is ready to see Yoda.
He has a collar like that from the movie. There's a ton more variations
of this costume, which I'll make eventually.
